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Fan noise unbearable - its kicking in then silence on loop

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2023 1:39 pm
by beamkiller

I noticed that this GK3V unit has issues with fan speeds. I received one from my friend and I wanted to use it as a PC for automating tasks, scraping websites, etc. It's working, but the CPU temperatures are really high - around 90 degrees Celsius when running just one automation. I know this is not a powerhouse PC, but these temps are really high. The fan doesn't work okay; it just spins up for a second, then silence on repeat.

This can be seen on the temps too:

I saw some posts where they added a USB fan from the outside. Is there a known best way to solve these issues?


Re: Fan noise unbearable - its kicking in then silence on loop

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 1:47 am
by barry777
Non so quale programma hai usato per causare questa situazione, ti consiglio di provare a ripristinare il bios e utilizzare il sistema originale.
Se le ventole continuano a non girare, potrebbe esserci un problema con il tuo dispositivo e ti consigliamo di contattare il nostro team di assistenza clienti che può fornirti soluzioni o risorse alternative. Grazie per la vostra comprensione e non vedo l'ora di servirvi meglio.

Re: Fan noise unbearable - its kicking in then silence on loop

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 3:16 am
by Gabe

It does sound like there's an issue with the fan, as with temps reaching 90° the fan should be on, and not just for a second or two.

I'd do what barry777 suggested and contact after sales support at